Some African musical and cultural instruments
Burundi drums are traditional percussion instruments that occupy a mythical place in Burundian Culture.
They come from the royal traditional, they are sacred music instruments, reserved, played and danced on exceptional events in ancient and current Burundi.
Burundi drums are fully political instruments, secular instruments, drums played Burundi a major and significant role in building royal power during the pre-colo nial period.
They were longtime ago considered as vectors of expressions of divine wishes and as signs of the country’s po litical innovations (From King NTARE III Rushatsi: Cambarantama (1680-1709) to King NTARE V (July 8th to November 28th 1966).
After the decline of monarch powers in Burundi, drums have been being played by current governments on special occasions like:
- May 1st: Labors’ day
- July 1st : Independence day
- October 21st : President Melchior NDADAYE’s assassination
- In Presidential inauguration ceremonies
- Government official visits around the country
And even Independent individuals invite drummers to play drums during their wedding ceremonies as leisure or hobbies.

The INANGA, also known as “IKIVUVU” INDIMBAGAZO, is a traditional African Musical instrument played in Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
INANGA was once played at the royal court to entertain the King and his surrounding especially in the evening after the palace dinner.
According to the survey conducted in Urban areas in Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda) by our team, 70% of young people don’t know it and how to play it. INANGA is about to be completely removed in the coming generations, if nothing is done by adults in the countries mentioned above.

IKEMBE is a type of musical instruments of purely African origin being part of the group of strip phone instruments, common among the Burundian, Rwandan and Zairian people of President MOBUTU SESE SEKO called “Congolese” of the Democratic Republic of Congo Kinshasa.
This strip instrument consists of several small iron strips, fixed and arranged at a rectangular box.
These strips are stored so as to allow the drummers to Insert the fingers between the rows and press the fingers without any difficulties.
IKEMBE had been played by the people mentioned above in royal ceremonies as a King’s hobby and in other social events.
This musical instrument has been dominated by the Western musical instrument “the Piano” and many children in urban areas do not know that famous musical instrument because of the surroundings.